HIV Prevention
We encourage our patients and community to be proactive about their sexual health and have programs offering HIV counseling, testing and prevention services for those affected by homelessness.
HIV prevention is fully integrated into our care model through PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). PrEP can reduce your risk of getting HIV from sex or injection drug use.
Click to request an appointment.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1. The information on this website is for educational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for specific medical advice.
PrEP is a medication in pill and injection form that can decrease the risk of getting HIV from sex by 99% or injection drug use by 74% when taken orally. PrEP is most effective when taken as prescribed.
If you are HIV negative and one or more of the following apply to you, PrEP is right for you.
● Have a sexual partner with HIV.
● Have been diagnosed with an STI in the past 6 months
● Inconsistent condom use
1. Meet with a healthcare provider at one of the HHH clinic locations.
2. Clinic visit to include a medical history and baseline lab testing.
3. Review and initiate PrEP.
4. Regular clinic visits for follow-up and lab testing.
● At HHH no one is declined care based on their ability to pay. If eligible, PrEP is available through HHH at no cost.
● Most insurance plans and state Medicaid cover PrEP, medical visits and lab testing costs.
● There are also Prescription Assistance Programs that cover PrEP for free or at a reduced cost.
● Primary care medical clinic and lab services
● Community health services
● One-on-one PrEP education sessions
● Behavioral health counselors
● Prescription Assistance Program (PAP) enrollment